As I am to sick to take any good photos today, I thought I would take time to answer some questions from you, my lovelies. I'm an thrilled that you take such an interest in my life. - how do I become a top blogger? This is a question I get almost daily, both in comments, dm's and by press. I honestly think you have to be born with a certain natural talent for it. It is hard work, and you can come along way with commitment (you won't get anywhere without it), but if you just aren't the blogger type, you'll never make it. It's hard to explain what that means, but those who are the type will just naturally understand what I mean - Where do you shop? Where do I not shop! hahaha. (that's what my husband would say anyways). I actually shop very little in Norway, I go to Paris and Rome on a regular basis, where several showrooms invite me to VIP-presentations. I get good discounts on high end brands to wear them and show them off. In Norway I like spending t...
Oh my goat! Et innlegg på Seminaret heter Personal coaching, og han som holder det er helt magisk! Han spør: Om du bare har 1 måned igjen, vil du leve som du gjør? Vil du gjøre det du gjør 80 % av tiden de neste 3 ukene? Og svaret mitt er definitivt ja. Han tar for seg veldig viktige punkter: at man må bruke tiden effektivt, at man er på jobb hele døgnet, at man må regne ut sin personlige timepris. Og ikke minst Konmari ditt nettverk. Jeg tror jeg elsker ham litt, faktisk! Jeg blir ihvertfall sikker på at jeg gjør de rette valgene. Jeg gjør det jeg elsker, påvirker en stadig voksende følgerskare og får betalt for å spre skjønnhet. ALLE burde høre dette foredraget
New job, new blog. As you can see I have become a Director's wife, and I thought it was a good time for an extreme blog make over! I also got a job in my husbands company, and I am so excited to be working with....oh, I'll tell you... tomorrow. Wink wink nudge nudge. Today I am bathing in inspiration, and planning decorations for my new office My gbff sent me flowers to congratulate. Isn't he just the best? Smooch smooch Always be beautiful! Love DW
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